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Logo cryptokoki honeypot crypto token

Contact us

We are in touch despide workload! Our team is constantly developing and improving services and we may not always able to respond promptly due to the working on current projects.

Leave your message and we will respond within 12 hours.

How to purchase
  • Contact us via Telegram private messages to discuss details about interested package and checkout manually.
  • Message us telegram news logo
  • Get acquainted with offers on the website and learn more about products: what do they do, features, pricing, etc. Then, its suggested to through FAQ and learn answers on questions you probably have and details about our services.

    Message us for clarifying details and purchase! We will answer on your questions and make sure you get right tools for your project.

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The preferred language of communication is English, so if you have difficulty translating, please use
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In the message, describe your project or idea and we will discuss its implementation. / service-page

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Start creating your own token here. Learn more about each available extension. / extensions-page

About us

Our Team and focus

We are a team of experienced developers specializing in decentralized finance (DeFi) and building on the Solidity programming language.

Our primary focus is on creating secure and efficient smart contracts, ensuring that you have complete control over your token.

This includes the development of various types of smart contracts, such as 🍯 honeypot tokens, along with 20+ unique 🧩 extensions for building custom contract for needs of your project.

Additional services

In addition to token contract creation, we also introduce a suite of tools aimed at optimizing token management and investment handling.

These tools automate complex processes, helping users manage their tokens more easily, whether it’s bundler bot, pumping your token or creating a high trading volume.

Education resouces

Beyond development, we are dedicated to sharing our accumulated knowledge with the community. Through a range of free educational materials and consulting services, we provide insights and best practices that have been refined through experience of successful crypto projects.

Our goal is to empower our community with the information they need to navigate the DeFi space confidently and effectively.

Our mission

Our mission is to contribute to the growth and adoption of cryptocurrency and decentralized finance (DeFi) by providing reliable, secure, and innovative technical solutions.

We aim to empower our clients and the wider community with the knowledge and tools needed to confidently engage with the DeFi space. By offering expert development services and educational resources, we strive to make the complexities of blockchain technology accessible and manageable for both seasoned professionals and newcomers alike.