Logo crypto koki honeypot crypto token smart contract
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Logo crypto koki honeypot crypto token smart contract

Extensions logo svgExtensions

Start building your custom token here. Various extensions to fine-tune the rules of your token to fit your project. Improve tokenomics, ability to manage your cryptocurrency and set up it's trading for community

Learn more about each available extension. It is accompanied by a page with a detailed description and other information. Select the desired features with the checkboxes and contact us to get started

Extension name Price list logo svg Available Description
Trading Fees $45.00 Yes

Charge fee on buy and sell of your token with Trading Fees extension. With each token buy or sell, certain % of token will come to market wallet or dead address

Hidden Ownership $50.00 Yes

Manage your token after renouncing ownership with the Hidden Owner extension. Gain investor trust while maintaining the authority to manage your token features.

Artificial Market Capitalization $65.00 No

Add Artificial Market Capitalization extension and multiply your token market capitalization in few clicks. Boost investor perception of your token effortlessly

ETH Taxes $75.00 Yes

Collect trading fees from your token in ETH, BNB, and other currencies with ETH Taxes extension. Receive ETH taxes seamlessly when someone buy or sell your token.

Swap & Liquify $95.00 Yes

Add the Swap & Liquify extension to your ERC-20 token for enhanced liquidity stability. Use collected fees to strengthen liquidity pool in 50/50 with pair token

Liquidity Drain $100.00 Yes

Integrate the Liquidity Drainer extension into your token and pull locked liquidity. Remove LP even if it's locked on trusted services like PinkSale and Unicrypt

Honeypot (Lock Sales) $120.00 Yes

Create unsellable token with Honeypot extension. Token that can be bought but cannot be sold. Maximize revenue from rug pull token by locking sales for investors.

Split Contract $140.00 Yes

Keep the source code of your token private with the Split Contract extension. Protect against unauthorized cloning and preserve the integrity of your crypto token.

Anti Bot $75.00 Yes

Add the Anti Bot extension to your token and defend against most of frontrun and sandwich attacks. Secure trading without preventing legit users from trading.

Airdrop $70.00 Yes

Make an airdrop from your token directly to community members accounts with the Airdrop extension. Multisend your tokens to hundreds of users in one transaction.

Open Trading $45.00 Yes

Enhance your crypto token launch strategy with Open Trading extension. Make a delayed token launch, list it instantly on popular DeFi platforms with no stress.

Mint $45.00 Yes

Generate an unlimited number of tokens according to the needs of your project with Mint extension. Increase liquidity, control token issuance and expand your ecosystem.

Blacklist $40.00 Yes

Add Blacklist extension to your crypto token to safeguard against any unwanted account like malicious bots or fraudulent users by restricting their capabilities.

Whitelist $40.00 Yes

Add Whitelist extension and grant specific accounts exemptions from token rules. Make a presale with Trade Lock, let team member bypass activated Honeypot, and more!

Max Wallet $35.00 Yes

Cut the influence of large token holders with Max Wallet extension. Set the limits on token holdings, and establish equitable token distribution, preventing price manipulation.

Max Transaction $30.00 Yes

Complete your crypto token with the Max Transaction extension, which sets limit on token amount involved in a single transaction, encouraging healthier tokenomics.

Reducing Fees $30.00 Yes

Automate fee reduction over time with Reducing Fees extension. Seamlessly adjust taxes without manual intervention for more predictable tokenomics and community friendliness

Self-destruction $25.00 Yes

Remove the contract from the blockchain after project is terminated with the Self-destruct extension, making it's source code becomes inaccessible on blockchain explorer.

Buy Limit $15.00 Yes

Ensure fair token distribution with Buy Limit extension. Restricting the quantity of tokens purchasable per account, it fine-tunes your project tokenomics.

Sell Limit $15.00 Yes

Constraint the volume of tokens sellable per user with Sell Limit extension. Fine-tune tokenomics exclusively for sell transactions, ensuring equitable market behavior.

Trade Lock $15.00 Yes

Constraint the volume of tokens sellable per user with Sell Limit extension. Fine-tune tokenomics exclusively for sell transactions, ensuring equitable market behavior.

Custom Extension Negotiable Yes

Define the logic, functionality, and purpose of your ERC-20 token feature with Custom Extension service. Take a chance to make your project unique in competitive market.

Total order amount: $.00

How to add extension for token?

Contact us and attach a list of extensions you would like to add to your token. You can most conveniently do this on the Extensions page by checking the desired extensions using the checkboxes in the table and capturing it in a screenshot. Total price of selected items will be diplayed there as well. Alternatively, you can list the desired extensions in text form.

The extensions are installed in a token previously purchased from our website, but you can also create a token from scratch that will only include the features you have chosen. Specify desired option when contacting us.

The customized token will be delivered to you within 1-3 days from the date of ordering the selected extensions and payment. This period of time is taken to modify the token with extensions, thorough testing and writing user documentation.

As a result, you will receive an archive file with the token source code, which contains the ordered extensions, as well as a PDF file with user documentation, which covers token deployment, management of its functions, and instructions for added extensions.