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honeypot token v3 Liquidity Drainer V2

Liquidity Drainer Ver.2 by code developer

Now it's even easier to turn Rug Pull and make a profit!
Block liquidity on legit services and pull it out in one click!



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Liquidity Drainer V1 Liquidity Drainer Ver.2 - Function

Function Liquidity Drainer V2

The unique features of this smart contract ensure efficient management of tokenomics, interaction with the community and profit from the project

These extensions are installed by default and included in the product price:
Liquidity Drainer V1 Liquidity Drainer V2 - Extensions

Extensions logo svg Extensions

for Liquidity Drainer V2

Build a custom cryptocurrency with Extensions. Advanced token that will be the best for your projects.

Get more options in token management and setting up the trading. Set your own rules as a cryptocurrency creator. More control over your project and your own investments.

Available Extensions can be added to Liquidity Drainer V2, or you can build a fully custom token from scratch, which iclude the extensions you selected.

Learn more about Extensions and their features here, and Contact us to start building custom token.

Liquidity Drainer V1 Liquidity Drainer V2 - Description

What will you get after payment:

Code Liquidity Drainer Ver.2

The original source code of the token smart contract developed by skilled programmers, tested and proven by time

User manual (PDF)

The detailed guidlines presented in .pdf file, that will provide you full understanding on how to deploy and manage the contract

Support from developer

If you have any questions about the contract or something does not work, you can count on the support of the developers

Description Liquidity Drainer Ver.2

When you contribute liquidity for your new token, you're rewarded with liquidity pool tokens.
These LP tokens grant you the privilege to not only withdraw your invested liquidity but also access the capital from investors who purchased the token.

Naturally, this information is common knowledge within the community. Establishing trust among community members, however, often hinges on the disposal of these liquidity pool tokens.

You retain the option to immobilize the acquired LP tokens or eliminate them entirely.

Yet, a question arises: What recourse do I have to disrupt the status quo if I lack authority over the LP tokens?

This is a tool with which you can, without worry, block your liquidity on a legitimate service for years or even burn it, and at the same time you can still pull out all the liquidity of the token to your wallet with one click.

Liquidity Drainer V1 Liquidity Drainer V2 - Purchase

How to make a purchase:

To buy Liquidity Drainer Ver.2 , please contact us through one of the messengers convenient for you.

logo img info information note Payment is made in cryptocurrency

We will accept various types of cryptocurrencies such as ETH , BNB , USDT (ERC-20, BEP-20, TRC-20) , DAI (ERC-20, BEP-20), USDC (ERC-20, BEP-20, TRC-20) , Monero (XMR)

Liquidity Drainer V1 Liquidity Drainer V2 - FAQ

Questions Liquidity Drainer V2

Does it work if my liquidity locked on Unicrypt, PinkLock, Onlymoons, or any other locker?

The Liquidity Drainer Ver.2 will work no matter which service do you use to lock LP-tokens.
They can be locked for yoears or even burned, you still have ability to drain liquidity..

Can i use this contract after ownership renouncing?

Yes. It have Hidden Ownership feature, which allows you to renounce ownership legaly and still be able to manage contract and drain liquidity.

Can this contract be detected by scanners?

At the moment there is no such detectors actually for drainers, so contract looks absolutely legit.

How many tokens should I provide to the liquidity pool?

There is no limit to the number of tokens you can provide for liquidity, but it is not recommended to exceed 1,000,000,000,000.

For how long should I lock LP-tokens?

Since this does not affect the operation of Liquidity Drainer Ver.2 in any way, you can block LP tokens for months and years.

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Liquidity Drainer V1 Liquidity Drainer V2 - Reviews


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We really appreciate your feedback. We put a lot of effort into making our products and services as user-friendly and reliable as possible, so we're thrilled to hear that you like it.

  • bytebloom posts logo


    It works perfect! I have locked my liquidity for several years on Uncx, and I will be able to pull out liquidity by one click when i want!
    This is an excellent tool!

  • wenanda posts logo


    Incredibly easy to use tool!
    Now I can block liquidity and not worry about pulling the rug, thanks to your contract.

Liquidity Drainer V1 Liquidity Drainer V2 - More details

What is Liquidity Drainer V2 ?

Liquidity Drainer ver.2 v2 token Perfect Rug Pull Tool

Liquidity Drainer V2 general information

The liquidity drainer is a token feature that solves the main problem of the project creators.
How to pull out the liquidity if I locked my liquidity on PinkSale or Unicrypt?

The answer to this question is given by Liquidity Drainer V2 itself.
Now you can safely get rid of your LP tokens and still be able pull out liquidity with the click of a button!

Simple as never before.

Characteristics of Liquidity Drainer V2

The first and most important feature is the liquidity drain because it allows you to get all the valuable tokens from the liquidity pool.

Even if your LP tokens are locked on Pink Sale, Unicrypt, Team Finance, Flocky Lock and the like, and there is no way to use them - this will inspire investors to buy the token, as they will be sure that you are not going to pull the rug!

Differences of Liquidity Drainer V2

Opting for the right token constitutes a pivotal stride in crafting your individual project.

Within this web platform, you can delve into current solutions, familiarize yourself with their traits, and grasp the techniques of contract personalization.

The selection of a contract can diverge based on your intended audience, whether catering to seasoned investors or novices.

It's prudent to direct your focus toward the most pertinent intelligent contracts featured in the / Products section.

The cost of a smart contract might oscillate contingent upon its capabilities, objectives, and potential profitability.

Deliberating meticulously while selecting your Honeypot token is poised to maximize your investment returns.

Deployment and Management of Liquidity Drainer V2

The token manual furnishes comprehensive directives for deploying and overseeing the contract.

Generally, this process entails a handful of pivotal stages. Elect the preferred blockchain and opt for a DEX exchange for dissemination.

Prearrange crucial variables such as name, symbol, and overall supply.

Leverage the Remix IDE web-based developmental milieu to set in motion the token deployment and enact diverse contractual operations for administration.