When Solana Honeypot program is runned, it finds all current holders of your token, and freeze (i.e. block or blacklist) them, except those which you have inluded to whitelist when setting up the script. Frozen holders will no longer be able to issue any transactions with the token, including selling it, which turns your Solana coin to a honeypot token. After freezing current holders (those who hold token upon the moment when you run the script) program finishes it's work, and you can run it over and over again for freezing new buyers with no limits.
You can customize honeypot token and specify whitelisted accounts. They can sell token even after running the solana honeypot script. Using whitelist you can allow your team to sell tokens to create a more realistic chart for your solana honeypot token.
Unfreezing (i.e. thawing or removing from blacklist) gives a certain frozen account back the right to transfer and sell tokens. This will give you the ability to recover the authority to sell a token to the account you deem necessary.
Solana Honeypot Token: Instruction contents
Script for making honeypot on Solana comes with a detailed PDF instructions that will guide you through setting up and running it, whether you are beginner or experienced user:
- Seting up an environment to run solana honeypot token
- Create a Solana token
- Add liquidity to Raydium
- Set up a honeypot script for your Solana token
- Run Solana Honeypot Token and Freeze (block) all current holders
- Unfreeze (thaw, unblock) accounts
- How to withdraw liquidity from Raydium