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Maximize the potential of crypto projects and earn much more by focusing on your strengths!
Explore the three unique cooperation formats we offer and discover new opportunities for successful development.

Crypto partnership for investors

Trust management
Payment in the amount of 30% of the net profit of the project

Cooperation in a crypto project involves providing a smart contract for a token, setting it up, managing the process of providing liquidity, managing a smart contract during the process of launching a token, raising liquidity and distributing profits in pre-approved proportions.

This crypto partnership format is suitable if you have the opportunity to conduct your own marketing campaign

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Crypto partnership. Code support.

Technical support
Payment 800 - 2500 USDT depending on the project

Cooperation in a crypto project. You have complete control over your funds and the entire process. We are assigned the role of a technical expert consultant who supports you by answering your questions throughout the entire period from the launch of a crypto token to the moment of its drawing.

In this case, a fixed prepayment is charged before the start of cooperation

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Cooperation in crypto projects for marketers

For marketers
40% of income

If you're a marketer and confident in your ability to win the trust of investors, you're in the right place! We are ready to give you the opportunity to focus on marketing, while we take care of all technical issues including token development and management and liquidity costs.

You get 40% of the net profit of the project

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 Trust asset managementfor investor crypto koki token project

For investors. Trust asset management.

If you have a team that is ready to work on a rug-pull project but still don't have a technical specialist, this is what you need.

In this format our responsibilities are: improving an existing smart token contract or developing it from scratch, provide liquidity on the chosen DEX using your funds, managing the internal processes of the token to maximize its price growth and profitability of the project, pulling liquidity and distributing profits between participants.

The main feature of the cooperation format is the transfer of funds intended for investment in liquidity under our trust management. After the end of the project, the body of liquidity in full will be returned to you. Net profit is distributed in proportion: 30% - our share in the project.
The remaining 70% goes to the investor's side.

So you can fully entrust us with technical issues related to smart contracts and focus on developing your ideas, concepts and marketing strategies.

Project support and consulting services

This cooperation package implies improvement of an existing token smart contract or its development from scratch.

- Drawing up accessible documentation that will help you in the process of using the token

- Consulting services consisting of individual recommendations at the development stage of the token

- Full support of the project for managing the internal parameters of the smart contract, which will allow you to achieve maximum results from the moment the token is launched to the moment the liquidity is withdrawn

The advantage is your full control over the smart contract and your funds.
The approximate upfront payment can be 800-2500 USDT and is assigned individually depending on the complexity and scope of the project.

technical support crypto koki token project
Special offer for marketers and targetologists Logo crypto koki

Special offer for marketing specialists

Perfect for digital marketing professionals who have an understanding of cryptocurrency promotion.

You can fully focus on marketing and gaining the trust of investors. We, on the other hand, will take care of the development of smart contracts for the project, fully take care of the liqudiity providing, token management for better results during the launch of the project and pull the rug out!

The costs of marketing needs are on you, along with that we offer you a share of 40% of the net profit of the project.