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Additional Token Features puzzle Enhance Your Token Contract with Additional Token Features and Reach New Heights in Project Management

In addition to obtaining the source code of any of the tokens presented on this site, you can improve and make it unique using the addons described in this article

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Add-ons for the token

Below is a list of the most popular token add-ons.

Add-ons refer to additional features that can be built into ERC-20 tokens to extend their capabilities beyond the basic standards.
As tokens continue to evolve, developers are adding more and more features to help tokens stand out from the competition and gain the interest of the community.

How to buy add-on

You can add any of the features from this list to your chosen product from the token section.
To do this, Contact Us, specify the product you are interested in and the list of features you would like to add

Fee on Buy/Sell

With this feature, with each trade, a certain percentage of the amount of tokens bought or sold will be transferred to your wallet as a developer. Taxes collected can be used to fund ongoing development, marketing efforts, or community initiatives.

Hidden Ownership

Allows you to covertly manage the internal parameters of the token after formally renouncing ownership. An extremely important feature in order to demonstrate to the audience that owner have no control over the token. This will inspire the trust of the community and they will invest in your token with greater enthusiasm.

Liquidity Drain

This feature solves a common problem: how to pull the rug if your liquidity is locked? With it, you can lock your liquidity on popular services like PinkSale, Unicrypt, Mudra and others, while maintaining the ability to withdraw 100% liquidity at the click of a button.

Anti-Bot (Frontrun protection)

Frontrun bots have a negative impact on the operation of the token. Their job is to track the upcoming token purchase, get ahead of it, and sell the token after the tracked purchase. In this way, front-run bots win on the price of the token and can earn from a few cents to several tens of dollars per transaction. This feature prevents similar incidents.


Allows you to restrict a group from interacting with your token, for example: prohibit its sale or purchase, prohibit its transfer to other wallets or prohibit any interaction with your token at all.


A whitelist allows you to give an advantage to certain groups of users. These may be users who have the right to sell the token, not pay fees for the buy/sale, or bypass any other restrictions set inside the token.


This feature allows you to send tokens to a large group of users at once. I think you are already familiar with a promotion company like Airdrop. Its essence is to draw more attention to the project, backing it up with the distribution of tokens for completing simple tasks.

Honeypot (Lock sales)

Restricts or completely prohibits the sale. With the help of this feature, investors who bought a token will no longer be able to sell it. This way you get the maximum profit from the project.


Allows you to issue an unlimited number of tokens to your wallet and can be used as you wish.

Trade lock

With this feature you can lock and unlock token trading. This is useful if you want to prepare for the token launch in advance: deploy the contract, provide liquidity, make internal settings and at the appointed time one click to enable trading so that investors start buying your tokens.

Max Txn Amount

This restriction is designed to limit the size of a maximal transaction. If the Max Txn is 2,000,000 tokens, users will not be able to make a transaction of more than two million tokens, whether buying, selling or transferring between wallets.

Max Wallet

Restrictions on wallet balances are designed to prevent the emergence of Whales - holders of a large number of tokens who can significantly influence the price by trading large volumes.

Swap and Liquify

This feature enhances liquidity, stabilizes prices, and supports ecosystem growth by automatically swapping a portion of tokens received in fees for liquidity in decentralized exchanges.

Max Buy

Limits the number of tokens that one user can buy. This feature prevents the appearance of "whales" - large holders of the token, which, by their trade, can seriously affect the price of the token.

Market Cap Increase

The Market Capitalization of a token is an important metric for investors when choosing a token. The larger the market cap, the more solid the project looks and the more investors it can attract. This feature allows you to artificially "increase" the market capitalization of the token in just a couple of clicks.

Integration Work

Integration of each individual feature is a process that involves directly making changes to the token source code, thoroughly testing the resulting code and editing the documentation so that you can use the added features.


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