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Deployment addresses of Router V2 smart contracts

- By CryptoKoki team -

April 8, 2024   :   15 min read

V2 router addresses

Here are the V2 router addresses for the most popular decentralized exchangers. Each multi-chain exchange (that support multiple networks) like Uniswap, Pancakeswap, etc. comes with a table, where each supported network corresponds to a V2 router address.

However, there are also many single-chain exchangers (that support only one network). They will be summarized in tables clustered according to the supported network. In these tables, each decentralized exchange corresponds to it's V2 router address.

Here are the deployment addresses that have been published in the documentation for decentralized exchanges.

Multi-chain Exchanges

Uniswap logo png Uniswap

Network RouterV2 Address Explorer
Ethereum 0x7a250d5630B4cF539739dF2C5dAcb4c659F2488D Link
Goerli Testnet 0x7a250d5630B4cF539739dF2C5dAcb4c659F2488D Link
Base 0x4752ba5DBc23f44D87826276BF6Fd6b1C372aD24 Link
Binance Smart Chain 0x4752ba5DBc23f44D87826276BF6Fd6b1C372aD24 Link
Arbitrum 0x4752ba5DBc23f44D87826276BF6Fd6b1C372aD24 Link
Optimism 0x4A7b5Da61326A6379179b40d00F57E5bbDC962c2 Link
Polygon 0xedf6066a2b290C185783862C7F4776A2C8077AD1 Link

PancakeSwap logo png PancakeSwap

Network RouterV2 Address Explorer
Binance Smart Chain 0x10ED43C718714eb63d5aA57B78B54704E256024E Link
BSC Testnet 0xD99D1c33F9fC3444f8101754aBC46c52416550D1 Link
Ethereum 0xEfF92A263d31888d860bD50809A8D171709b7b1c Link
Arbitrum 0x8cFe327CEc66d1C090Dd72bd0FF11d690C33a2Eb Link
Base 0x8cFe327CEc66d1C090Dd72bd0FF11d690C33a2Eb Link
Linea 0x8cFe327CEc66d1C090Dd72bd0FF11d690C33a2Eb Link
zkEVM 0x8cFe327CEc66d1C090Dd72bd0FF11d690C33a2Eb Link
zkSync 0x5aEaF2883FBf30f3D62471154eDa3C0c1b05942d Link

SushiSwap logo png SushiSwap

Network RouterV2 Address Explorer
Arbitrum 0x1b02dA8Cb0d097eB8D57A175b88c7D8b47997506 Link
Avalanche 0x1b02dA8Cb0d097eB8D57A175b88c7D8b47997506 Link
Avalanche Testnet 0x1b02dA8Cb0d097eB8D57A175b88c7D8b47997506 Link
Base 0x6BDED42c6DA8FBf0d2bA55B2fa120C5e0c8D7891 Link
Binance Smart Chain 0x1b02dA8Cb0d097eB8D57A175b88c7D8b47997506 Link
BSC Testnet 0x1b02dA8Cb0d097eB8D57A175b88c7D8b47997506 Link
Ethereum 0xd9e1cE17f2641f24aE83637ab66a2cca9C378B9F Link
Goerli Testnet 0x1b02dA8Cb0d097eB8D57A175b88c7D8b47997506 Link
Polygon 0x1b02dA8Cb0d097eB8D57A175b88c7D8b47997506 Link
Boba 0x1b02dA8Cb0d097eB8D57A175b88c7D8b47997506 Link
Celo 0x1421bDe4B10e8dd459b3BCb598810B1337D56842 Link
Gnosis 0x1b02dA8Cb0d097eB8D57A175b88c7D8b47997506 Link

TraderJoe logo png TraderJoe

Network RouterV2 Address Explorer
Avalanche 0x60aE616a2155Ee3d9A68541Ba4544862310933d4 Link
Avalanche Testnet 0xd7f655E3376cE2D7A2b08fF01Eb3B1023191A901 Link
Arbitrum One 0xbeE5c10Cf6E4F68f831E11C1D9E59B43560B3642 Link
Binance Smart Chain 0x89Fa1974120d2a7F83a0cb80df3654721c6a38Cd Link
BSC Testnet 0x0007963AE06b1771Ee5E979835D82d63504Cf11d Link

Single-chain Exchanges

base logo png Base

Network RouterV2 Address Explorer
BaseSwap 0x327Df1E6de05895d2ab08513aaDD9313Fe505d86 Link
RocketSwap 0x4cf76043B3f97ba06917cBd90F9e3A2AAC1B306e Link
SwapBased 0xaaa3b1F1bd7BCc97fD1917c18ADE665C5D31F066 Link
SynthSwap 0x8734B3264Dbd22F899BCeF4E92D442d538aBefF0 Link

pulse-chain logo png Pulse Chain

Network RouterV2 Address Explorer
PulseX 0x98bf93ebf5c380C0e6Ae8e192A7e2AE08edAcc02 -

arbitrum logo png Arbitrum

Network RouterV2 Address Explorer
Camelot 0xc873fEcbd354f5A56E00E710B90EF4201db2448d Link

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What is Router V2?

Router V2 is a smart contract of decentralized exchanges that provides a set of functions for adding liquidity, its management, and token trading. It is the second and currently the most common generation of smart contracts for decentralized asset exchange, developed by Uniswap and eventually adopted by most popular decentralized exchanges, such as Pancakeswap, SushiSwap and others.

Why do we need Router V2 deployment addresses?

When deploying an ERC-20 token that contains extensions, it is most often required to enter the V2 router address of the decentralized exchange where the token will be deployed. But why?

The short answer is that in order for the extensions (that change the token's behavior during trading) to work properly, the token's smart contract (further - token contract) needs to directly read and write actual information from the decentralized exchange's protocols. To do this - token contract should have information about router address of decentralized exchange, so it can be reached during the execution of extensions functions.

But to answer this question more fully, we must delve a little deeper into the structure of the token contract.

For the sake of clarity, we'll look at this using the Fee On Buy/Sell extension as an example. This extension contributes a certain % of the traded amount of tokens (fee) to the developer when buying and selling.

In order to process any token swap, e.g. to be charged a tax, it is necessary to determine whether an individual transfer is a buy or a sell. After all, by default, all transfers are processed by a single function, regardless of their purpose.

Retreating a bit to the topic of how a decentralized exchanger works, let me remind you: A purchase is a transfer of tokens from the liquidity pool to the user's wallet, while a sale is a transfer of tokens from the user's wallet to the liquidity pool.

Here the smart contract of the DEX router of the exchange comes into play. This is the one from which we get information about the address of the liquidity pool of this token.

Now we can use the address of the liquidity pool to identify the purpose of the transaction and handle it. In this case, to collect a certain % of fees from buying and selling.

This is why we enter the router address when deploying the smart contract token. This also explains why the smart contract may not work properly if you enter the wrong router address - in this case it will try to receive information from an address that has no proper interface or is not a smart contract at all.

Therefore, we strongly recommend that you take special care when you enter the router address.

Why to use V2 contracts?

Despite the variety of decentralized exchange protocol types, from the more advanced Uniswap V3 protocols to the unique solutions of individual exchanges, V2 protocols have two advantages from which all others derive: simplicity and reliability.

V2 protocols have an uncomplicated structure, this makes them easy to understand and implement in tokens and decentralized applications. Their reliability is proven over time and thanks to this you can be sure that the funds invested in this protocol will be safe.

These two advantages lead to the third: popularity. UniswapV2 protocols are used in most decentralized exchanges on all EVM-compatible blockchains. This allows you to take advantage of your token by running it on different blockchains and DEXs by simply changing the router address.

What do you need to know using V2 liquidity?

When using contracts written to be used with V2 liquidity, you should be careful when adding liquidity. Most DEXs offer multiple types of liquidity to choose from (usually between V2 and V3, but exchanges also have their own unique solutions). Therefore, it is important to make sure that you add exactly V2 liquidity. Otherwise, as mentioned above, the token contract extensions may not work properly because the required interface of RouterV2 is missing.


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