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Max Transaction extension logo svg

Max Transaction

Enhance your token's stability with the Max Transaction extension, imposing limits on token involvement in single transactions. Encourage healthier tokenomics by discouraging large transactions, mitigating price volatility. Owners and Whitelisted users remain exempt, ensuring flexibility

tag svgPrice $30.00
extension svgStatus Available
tag svgDescription

Max Transaction Description

The Max Transaction extension sets a limit on the number of tokens that can be involved in a single transaction.

πŸ’‘ For example: if the Max Transaction extension sets a limit of 1000 tokens, it means that users will not be able to transfer, buy or sell tokens if the amount exceeds 1000 tokens.

This way you can achieve a healthier tokenomics for your project. For example, it encourages users to make several smaller transactions instead of one large transaction, preventing significant price volatility. At the same time, the Owner and Whitelisted users can be free from such restrictions.