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Trading Fees

Add Trading Fees extension to your ERC-20 token to charge fee on buy and sell transactions. With this feature, a percentage of each trade contributes to developers, creating deflationary pressure. Customize it to send fees to your wallet for profit or promotional activities

tag svgPrice $45.00
extension svgStatus Available
tag svgDescription

Trading Fees Description

The Trading Fees extension takes a internal tax when buying or selling token. In other words, each time the token is swapped, a predetermined percent of the amount of traded token is sent to the marketing wallet or dead address.

In most cases, there is deflationary logic behind the Trading Fees extension (e.g., sending a portion of the funds to the dead address to create a deficit for holders); however, it is also possible to send them to the developer's wallet to make a profit or use them for promotional campaigns, i.e., Airdrop.