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Reducing Fees

Optimize your project tokenomics with the Reducing Fees extension, automating fee reduction over time for enhanced community profitability and trading incentives. Seamlessly adjust taxes without manual intervention. Customize initial and final fees, reduction steps, and periods to tailor fee reduction to your token's needs

tag svgPrice $30.00
extension svgStatus Available
tag svgDescription

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Max Transaction
Sets a limit on the number of tokens that can be involved in one transaction

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The extension ā€œkillsā€ the tokenā€™s smart contract, removing it from the blockchain

Reducing Fees Description

The Reducing Fees extension allows you to automatically reduce the percentage of fees over time, making token trading more profitable for the community and incentivizing its trade.
It's a great alternative to manually changing your taxes and will fit perfectly into the tokenomics of your project if you have Trading Fees.

When using this extension, you can customize the initial and final trading fee, the reduction step and the period with which it will occur (the tax is reduced every N token purchases)

šŸ’” For example: you can set the Initial Fee at 7%, the Final Fee at 2%, the Reduction Step at 1%, and the Reduction Period at 10 purchases. This means that every 10 token purchases, trading fees will decrease by 1% until they reach 2% and stay like that during the rest of token lifetime.

Extension required: Trading Fees