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Sell Limit

Refine project tokenomics with the Sell Limit extension, constraining the volume of tokens sellable per user. Augmenting Max Wallet and Max Transaction extensions, Sell Limit fine-tunes tokenomics exclusively for sell transactions, ensuring equitable market behavior.

tag svgPrice $15.00
extension svgStatus Available
tag svgDescription

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Buy Limit
Limits the number of tokens that one user can purchase

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Trade Lock
Allows you to pause trading of your token

Sell LimitDescription

The Sell Limit extension limits the number of tokens that can be sold by a single user.

💡 For example: if the limit of 1000 tokens is set, then after selling 1000 tokens from a single wallet, further sells will be impossible for this account. Even if user have tokens to sell.

This is an additional tool to adjust the tokenomics of your project. If, for example, Max Wallet and Max Transaction regulate all token transactions in general, the Sell Limit extension focuses on regulating only token sells.