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Secure your token with the Blacklist extension, preventing designated wallet addresses from executing transactions. Safeguard against malicious bots and fraudulent activity by restricting their capabilities. Add this extension to your token to protect its integrity and maintain control over its use

tag svgPrice $40.00
extension svgStatus Available
tag svgDescription

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The extension allows its owner to issue an unlimited number of tokens

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Marks specific wallet addresses and bypasses established restrictions

Blacklist Description

The Blacklist extension prevents wallet addresses from performing certain actions. Typically, it is the ability to perform any transaction with the token, including selling it. Blacklisting is the opposite of whitelisting.

πŸ’‘ An example of a use case is blacklisting a bot that is causing trouble for a token

Blacklisting can also help prevent fraud, and any other undesirable activity, by tracking suspicious wallets and limiting their capabilities.